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Participating schools
- Nompendulo High school, Nonceba HS,Thembalabantu HS,
- Toise High school, Xolani HS,Kuyasa HS,Gasela,HS, R. Varha HS
- Archie Velile HS, Zukhanye HS, Dumalisile HS ( High School)
Post course Impact Evaluation Statements (selection):
Awareness Themes:
- SELF: I now know myself better. I am now clear about my strengths better. I am clearer about the different personalities in my school. The green, blue, yellow and red behaviours.
- RELATIONSHIP: People in organisations behave differently due to certain issues. As a leader I must be able to assess whether the behaviour is influenced by change, attitudes, beliefs, anxiety or stuckness.
- CHANGE: In all organisations change takes place, as a result people go through different stages before they commit to the change.
- CONFLICT: As a leader I must not be triangulated in conflict. Resolve the conflict as soon as you can.
- LEADERSHIP: I have learnt to listen so that I can know what the educators think and how I can change unhelpful mind sets.
Learning/ Change Impact Themes: “What happened to me”?
- SELF: My new perspective now makes me realise the need to look at emotions and at the same time be task driven if there is to be progress in my journey
- RELATIONSHIP: It is of benefit to respond to people’s needs and try not to use power to make people understand a situation, rather start with interests of people then move to power.
- CHANGE: I have realised that I can effect change even within one department and that I can affect the whole organisation due to the fact that we are connected as people who work together.
- CONFLICT: I did not like conflict but now I learn about it and everything about resistance of people to certain things that are around the curriculum and how to deal with it.
- LEADERSHIP: The programme has broadened my ideas about leadership and expectations. There are various aspects of leadership that I reflected on: I have to adapt to changes but be firm and not too autocratic. I have a better understanding of leadership: awareness, courage, being supportive, consultative and that with togetherness as a team- a lot could be achieved.
Change Action/ Vision Themes: “What will I do differently”?
- SELF: I will be more decisive, be willing to change, be a good listener and be more committed to my work
- RELATIONSHIP: With the story wall as a basis, I will listen to my team and staff and develop a better way of leading the team and managing them. I will build relationships that are cordial and harmonious
- CHANGE: When it is time to do change at my school I will do a broad consultation. I will engage the members of staff in discussion so that the change is embraced by the majority. At the end i will not lose sight that i am a leader and i will need to draw a line at some point.
- CONFLICT: I will not take sides in conflicts and intervene early to attempt to resolve them.
- LEADERSHIP: I shall strive to be a self differentiated leader, I will have a vision but consult with educators and other stakeholders so that it can be owned by everyone