• Participants are able to demonstrate – through satisfaction of the assessment criteria that they can:
    • Make the evolution of their own professional development journey’s explicit – particularly the evolution of their social sector related reflective practice meta-models;
    • Employ the Insights discovery personality profile and other relevant coaching and mentoring assessment instruments to stimulate their self-development;
    • Perform as reflective practitioners against the standards set for this programme and in its alignment with other related and comparative professional standards;
    • Deploy a coaching and mentoring meta-model and impart the essentials of critical reflection to guide community leaders to
      • develop their own explicit social sector related reflective practice (– including double loop learning –) meta-models to impact community outcomes positively;
      • Undertake conscious and purposeful actions to create new norms of behaviour that build genuine trust, confidence and collaboration amongst the people under their leadership or within their jurisdictions

Continuously reflect (self and with others) to continuously improve their professional practice and deepen their professional identities.