Sponsored by Old Mutual
Participating schools
- Monamodi Matsepe Secondary School
- Naledi ya meso Secondary School
- Motjedi Secondary School
- Ndendeka Secondary School
- Abraham Serote Secondary School
- Boleu Secondary School
- Mphage Secondary School
- Moshate Secondary School
- Ramanare Magampa Secondary School
- Mogudi Secondary School
- Kopa Secondary School
- Phokanoka Secondary School
- St Paul Secondary School
- Hlabi Secondary School
- Ramohlokola Secondary School
Post course Impact Evaluation Statements (selection):
Awareness Themes: What is clearer to me now?
- The process of change, sense of loss, reaction, acceptance and decision making- the roller coaster of change.
- In my leadership people must always be brought on board, Consultation and relevant problem solving techniques will solve many problems
- Conflict is unavoidable, but as leaders we need to confront it as early as possible to avoid it escalating
- I learnt about my personality traits, strengths and weaknesses. I can adopt the story wall style so that everyone will be free to talk about his/her views without fearing victimisation
- That most of the things we stress about are actually unnecessary
Learning/ Change Impact Themes: “What happened to me”?
- I was like a small boat without directions and an instructor. I never Knew when I was right or wrong
- My level of leadership confidence has been adjusted
- This workshop changed me to be a leader with clear visions and missions, to lead my people with confidence
- I was shown my leadership style is sticking to one method. I realised my leadership style has to change
- My horizons have been broadened and I understand myself much better in terms of my character, strengths and weaknesses
Change Action/ Vision Themes: “What will I do differently”?
- I have more courage and motivation as I realise am dealing with veterans who are wounded with their previous situation and are unable to cope. They are hopeless and frustrated
- I will always approach things positively and realise the impact of decision making in the work place
- I will acknowledge diversity and embrace it in order to find common ground
- I will directly implement these learnt skills such as conflict resolution, moving away from stuckness and triangulation in relationships
- I will be realistic, bold and fair in my leadership and ensure impartial treatment of members of staff